Beulah Park Middle School

3160 Demorest Road | Grove City, OH 43123

Phone: (614) 801-3500 | Fax: (614) 871-6512 | Attendance: (614) 801-8869

Dr. Chad Clark, Principal | Kevin Masterson, Assistant Principal | Ashley Halkum, School Counselor

Upcoming Events


Back to School

Stay updated with the latest news and information to ensure a smooth transition back to school.  Check out this one-stop destination for your student and get ready to start the new school year with confidence!

For back to school resources, click here


Students entering 7th grade are required to be vaccinated before the first day of school.  

For more information, click here.

Infinite Campus for Student Information

Infinite Campus is the district’s internet-based student information system.  Key features are the Parent Portal and Mobile App.  Infinite Campus allows parents to access their child’s attendance, grades, schedule, transportation, and add funds to the food service account.  Parents can customize how to receive notifications, attendance calls, and emails.  

For additional help with Infinite Campus or technology, click here

Teacher Spotlight

Congratulations to Mrs. Bricker, math teacher, for being named Ohio Teacher Leader Liaison for the 2024-2026 state cohort.  Mrs. Bricker will collaborate with the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce about current and future topics in education.

Paper Poster.pdf
Paper Poster Spanish.pdf
Paper Poster Somali.pdf
